Article writer-Crabtree Robles

You may be under the impression that good dental care is simple and intuitive. However, it may be that in reality, you lack sufficient knowledge to really guarantee that your teeth and gums stay as healthy as they can be. The article that follows offers useful advice from which just about anyone can benefit.

After you have brushed your teeth follow up with a good fluoride rinse. will help protect your teeth by hardening the enamel on your teeth. For the greatest benefit rinse for at least one minute. The proper procedure for rinsing is to swish the mouthwash between each tooth; then, finish with a quick rinsed to help freshen your breath.

Eat as many citrus fruits as possible to keep your teeth healthy. Vitamin C helps your teeth stay strong, so you are less likely to have tooth decay if you eat plenty of oranges, lemons limes and other citrus fruits each day. However, sucking oranges or lemons can put your teeth in contact with acid that contributes to decay.

Brush your teeth both in the morning and in the evening. Take your time. Many people simply go through the motions quickly and don’t do an efficient job. Try timing yourself to make sure that you get your teeth very clean. If you have to, sing the ABC song in your head, and don’t stop brushing until the song is over.

Brush your teeth twice a week with baking soda. Use it just like you would toothpaste normally. Baking soda will help whiten your teeth over time. You can also use regular salt as a replacement. Just remember never to swallow either, otherwise your sodium levels might get higher than they should.

If you have young children, it is important you teach them about dental hygiene. Show them how to properly brush their teeth and teach them to recognize the foods that will damage their teeth. They will have a better hygiene as adults if they get into the habit of brushing and flossing regularly.

If you use mouthwash, make sure it’s natural and non-alcoholic. They can treat halitosis and don’t burn the mouth. The mouthwashes with alcohol do help with bad breath for awhile, but they end up eventually causing dry mouth. Having dry mouth is what leads to bad breath.

Home whitening kits are a great short-term fix for lightly stained teeth. However, many people report burning and increased sensitivity caused by the gel uses in the kits. If oral sensitivity is turning you off of home whitening, use a fluoride gel immediately before and after you apply the whitening product. Your teeth will be noticeably less sensitive.

It is important to take good care of your gums in addition to your teeth. The gums are the most vulnerable things in your mouth, since that’s where the nerve starts. Decay in this area can result in the need for a root canal. Make sure you carefully observe this area, and if you notice any pain, discoloration or other changes, immediately let your dentist know.

Vitamin deficiency may lead to gum problems and tooth decay. Vitamin B and calcium supplements can improve your oral health and cavity fighting ability. They can be found in natural sources such as fruits and low-fat dairy and will do your teeth a world of good.

Are your gums getting softer, feel inflamed or look swollen? These are signs of gum disease. You should go to your dentist right away to have your gums inspected. You can overcome gum disease if you are ready to improve your oral hygiene and make some changes to your diet.

Are you using your teeth to get packages and bottles open? Don’t ever do this again! Biting plastic can damage your teeth. Use scissors instead. Additionally, there is a high likelihood of bacteria being present.

Everyone wants to have a bright, white, healthy smile, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to achieve. Quitting smoking is one great stay. Another is to skip drinking coffee and red wine. The next step is to try home whitening. If that doesn’t work, consider asking your dentist for a quote on their services.

Can’t stomach the idea of swishing a potent mouthwash every day? Try rinsing with plain apple cider vinegar every morning instead. Swish for about one minute before you begin brushing your teeth. Apple cider vinegar helps to kill germs, fight stains and make your teeth appear somewhat whiter than before.

Encourage young children to brush longer by getting them fun toothbrushes. There are brushes that flash a little light with a press of a button. Have your child brush until the light automatically goes off, usually after about two minutes. This is a fun timer for your child to use while brushing.

Never let an infection in your mouth go untreated for longer than is necessary. A mouth infection can be very serious, and can eventually lead to an infection of your blood. If you let that go to long it can reach your brain and then lead to death. While this is not common, it very well could happen.

Always be sure you let your toothbrush dry before you use it again. It is smart to put your brush in a case, but it is not so smart if the toothbrush is wet when you store it. This will help keep your brush from developing any bacteria.

laser gum therapy should avoid drinks that contain sugar if you want to have healthy teeth. Sugary drinks leave a residue behind that will then eat your teeth. Sugar is one of your worst enemies when it comes to getting cavities. If you are ready to do all that is necessary to have a healthy mouth you will follow this advice.

Always thoroughly rinse your toothbrush after using it because the germs that you just removed from your mouth will be on the toothbrush. By rinsing it off, you will remove the germs and the remnants of old toothpaste which can build up. Follow up the rinse by tapping the toothbrush on the edge of the sink to shake excess water off of it.

Hopefully this article has given you some helpful advice you can use to make better decisions in your oral health care routine. Since you’ve only got one set of teeth, it’s important to take great care of them! Use the tips from this article to brighten your smile and keep your mouth healthy.